Horizontal Stabilizer Done

RV-10 horizontal stabilizer completed in all its glory

The horizontal stabilizer is done. Wow, it was so cool to feel it solidifying as a structure while the rivets started going in. It also was the first real exercise in repetition, symmetry and attention to detail. I know the wings will be the true experience when it comes to that. But, the horizontal stabilizer is, for the most part, the same left and right, top and bottom. Except there are a few minor yet important differences in top/bottom when it comes to the mounting brackets on the front spar and the un-dimpled/un-riveted holes where the fairing will end up. Other than that it was a matter of doing the same thing 4 times in a row.

This was also an exercise in figuring out how to get to and inspect rivets that are on blind sides of stringers. The inspection scope was a huge help. And then there were some selfies with the front camera on the phone. Overall that aspect was less of an issue than I had anticipated. I’d go as far to say easier to deal with than nose ribs.

I made a few boo-boos along the way, nothing that’s going to make the plane fall out of the sky. Nothing that can’t be easily hidden with a little body work prior to painting. I also managed to mangle a few rivets. It’s airplane building. I’ve never heard of a plane being build without a rivet or two being drilled out and re-shot. Anyway. On to the elevators.




…Horizontal Stabilizer…